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Wedding cake: la regina del matrimonio

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Wedding Cake: the queen of wedding

The magic of Cake Design told by Mami Louise

Right after the spouses, it is the undisputed protagonist of the marriage. What are we talking about? Of the wedding cake, of course! The Wedding Cake is not “just a cake”, but a real sense memory of the wedding. The choice must therefore be well thought out: it must be a cake that reflects your personality, the style of your wedding and, of course, your tastes.


We interviewed Fabiana Bagnuoli, General Manager of Mami Louise, a reality on the rise in the Italian Cake Design scene. The company has its own creative base in Milan, but it has brought its sweet creations all over Italy.


Tell us a little about how Mami Louise’s idea was born…

“The history of Mami Louise started in 2013 with so much passion with a small cake design and sweet catering. How? From a meeting between North and South, between Fabiana and Valentina, who had a shared background in the Milanese fashion world and an innate predisposition for big dreams. We are a young team of creative girls with a lot of passion and positive energy. We always love to put ourselves on the line, experimenting with new things, playing with products and ranging in areas and situations that are perhaps far from the pastry shop, in order to establish connections and synergies with “other worlds”  for working creatively, having fun, but always maintaining our strong points of quality and craftsmanship.”


What is your working method?

“All our work starts from the meeting and the sharing of information with our customers; we always try to share the artistic vision of the project. We listen to their wishes that become the guidelines of our work, but at the same time we keep our “stylistic rules” firmly in order to be able to realize a special project following all the shared inputs and desires; if we do not agree on a choice, we do not hesitate to report it, trying to direct the customer in the direction most appropriate to us, according to our experience in this sector. Once the creative idea is defined, the first phase of our “manual process” consists in the creation of sketches that help us to “transcribe” on paper what has been shared and approved; after this process, the manual realization of the cake starts, in its realization and decoration.”

In the meantime, we carry out our filling proposals, trying to direct customers to products and raw materials that are pertinent to the season. Our pastry team always tries to experiment with new versions and combinations according to the current trends; we like to propose them, even if sometimes they can be a bit bizarre. ”


What are your tips for a perfect Sweet Table?

“Our first suggestion for creating a beautiful and scenographic Sweet Table is to choose at least four different types of products to be displayed together with the cake. An example would be: macarons, cookies, cupcakes and cake pops. The options are endless: everything is customizable and depends on the tastes and preferences of our customers, but it is important for us to have their 100% trust for liberating so that the common thread of the event / celebration that starts from the cake will also be applied to all the rest.”


What is the wedding project that has remained in your heart?

“All the weddings we worked on were very touching and exciting for us: sharing moments with the spouses, living together their journey is very exciting for us, but at the same time it charges us with great responsibility. The “moment of the cake” is the moment that everyone waits with great emphasis. Reading in the eyes of our spouses the joy and happiness for having realized what was in their dreams is the biggest and most important confirmation for us. ”


You work a lot with companies too, don’t you?

“Yes, we work a lot with companies for corporate projects: seeding or gifting activities, in-store events and special collaborations with specific for every request or need. Right now, what works most is personalization, so absolutely handmade and custom-made products – exactly like a tailored suit – decorated with logos or corporate details / references for the brand. We use the support of an internal graphic designer in our laboratory that study and create “tailored” layouts for each individual project, both for the products and the packaging”.


What is your strength?

“We are a young team of creative girls with so much passion and positive energy. We like to always put ourselves on the line, experiment with new things, play with products and wander in areas and situations that are perhaps far from the pastry shop, in order to establish connections and synergies with “other worlds” to be able to work creatively, having fun, but always maintaining our strong points of quality and craftsmanship “.


One last curiosity: why the name “Mami Louise”?

“The inspiration comes from the “Mami”, smiling and busy ladies with dirty flour aprons, typical of the American 50s advertisements, and from “Louisa”, the pug of Valentina, my partner and cake designer, that become the symbol-icon of our logo.”

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